Back to school tips look very different for 2020. Whether you’re homeschooling, starting the year with remote learning, or going back in-person with enhanced safety measures, I’ve rounded up my tips for starting the school year off right. School is going to look different and things are going to change, but I’m a firm believer in being prepared and ready to tackle whatever life throws our way!

Digital Learning Technology
Since so many districts are staring back to school with remote learning, here are tech tools and tips to get kids online.
Chrome Book // We can all agree that Chrome Books are great for students because they are often inexpensive (as far as computers go) and they have the basic tools kids need for remote learning. Chrome Books are also a great option if you have more than one child and each needs their own computer. This HP Chrome Book one or this one from Acer look great!
Chrome Book Case // Just because they’re often cheaper than an iPad doesn’t mean the Chrome Book doesn’t need a protective case. Love this case! It comes in 8 colors and they have a variety of sizes!
Headphones // These headphones & these earbuds look great for the kids! Us parent’s need noise canceling too, right?! Check out these wireless headphones or these AirPods!
WiFi Extender // This WiFi extender covers up to 1,200 square feet and can support up to 20 devices. This extender covers up to 2,500 square feet and can support up to 50 devices.
Printer // This all-in-one printer looks to be a great option with over 12k reviews! If you’re needing more of a premium printer, this looks to be a great option and includes 2 years of ink delivered to your door!
Homeschooling + Remote Learning Resources
Homeschool Curriculum // The Good & The Beautiful // Liberty University Online // Alpha Omega // Epic Charter Schools // Memoria Press // Time4Learning // Sonlight // Timberdoodle // Saxon // My Fathers World // Seton Home Study // PACES // Calvert School // Master books // Singapore Spectrum // Charlotte Mason
Organization // I’m a firm believer that when everything is organized in my home, I’m much happier and can think clearer! The same has to be true for our children when it comes to homeschooling and remote learning. Here are a few items I believe will help you and your child stay organized as they start back to school at home:
An academic calendar – encourage your child to write homework due dates and test dates. Be sure to place this near your child’s work space so they see it on a regular basis.
Assignment binders – have a different binder for each subject.
Utensil caddy – a home for all those pencils, markers & highlighters.
Clipboards – portable work spaces and displays for your homeschooling lessons.
Dedicated cubbies or shelves – one place for everything to go at the end of the school day! You will go nuts if there’s not one place to store everything.
Desk & Chair // When setting up your homeschool or digital learning space, you’ll need a desk and chair. We have a desk similar to this one and love it! This desk chair from Amazon looks great, this one, too!
Supplies for Going Back to School In-Person
Book Bags // Here are tons of book bags with lots of fun styles. If you’re looking for budget friendly option, look no where else other than Target!
Lunch Boxes // These lunch boxes from PB teen are precious and will hold up great all year.
Water Bottles // Love this Yeti Rambler and this Simple Modern. You can never go wrong with a classic CamelBak.
Kids Masks // We are loving these kid sized Athleta masks for the girls. The girls think these masks are super comfy. I also ordered these masks that come with an optional head strap.
Lanyards // This is one of the best back to school tips I’ve read. A reader told me she is using a two-clip lanyard that fastens to her kid’s mask and wraps around their neck when the mask is not in use. Brilliant! Here are a few lanyard options: these, these and these!
Name Labels // We all know that labeling everything is going to be highly recommended as we head back to school. Check out these, these, and these!
Toddler Activities
If your toddler isn’t quite old enough to go to school or attend digital learning, you are not alone. I know there are tons of parents who will still be working from home and daycares might not be open in your state. You can always reference my list of top things to do at home with kids and here are additional learning resources and activities that are also good for toddlers.
Kiwi Co // My girls are obsessed! They have the best science and art activities for kids! It’s a monthly subscription and they come straight to your door. Get 30% off your first month using this link.
Homer // The girls love their iPad time and I love that they are learning with Homer! They can play games, color, sing along to songs, listen to stories and the best part is they are learning the whole time! It has been proven that 15 minutes a day with Homer improves early literacy skills by 74%! Use this link for a free 30 day trial.
Zulily // Check out Zulily for a ton of great craft supplies, activity books for kids, items for outdoor summer fun, books, at-home study helpers, and educational workbooks.
Kidzbop & GoNoodle // We love these dance videos!!
Back to School Tips for Mom
CBD // You all have heard me talk about Equilibria on a handful of occasions. I don’t love the drops but I do love the salves and the rollerball for stress headaches. Use code Cristincooper for 15% off!
Wine // No matter if your kid is in enrolled in homeschooling, remote learning or will physically be sitting in a classroom, my best back to school tip is to have wine on hand. I love how Thrive Market gives you the option to build your own wine bundle! They offer clean, low calorie wine and you can refine your selections depending on what you’re specifically looking for. Here is a $20 shopping credit for all of you wine lovers!!
Home Chef // Who doesn’t love to make dinner time simplified? I love Home Chef because they send me every ingredient I need to make an easy and delicious meal at home. There’s a huge variety of meal options to chose from that will make everyone in your family happy. Use code cristin100 for $25 off your first 4 boxes for a total savings of $100!
Snacks // A round up of my favorite snacks from Thrive Market are in this blog post. One of my best quarantine tips that can be used for back to school (especially homeschool) is to still use your kids lunchbox to pack lunch and snacks for the day. I found it cut back on the girls snacking tenfold.
Thank Your Teachers!
Don’t forget to thank your children’s teachers! This is going to be a hard year on them, too!! I personally can’t imagine having little kids at home and having to teach virtually. A simple thank you note or Starbucks gift card for a delicious caffeinated drink or an Amazon gift card for classroom supplies goes a long way and is always appreciated! I polled my Instagram followers that were teachers and here are some of the items that they were looking for, maybe since we missed end of the year gifts you could grab one of these for a back to school gift!
Flair Pens // Pencils // Expo Markers // Sticky Notes // Printer Ink // Prayer Journal // Daily Planner / Stationery // Clorox Wipes // Hand Sanitizer // Lotion // Kleenex // Scrubs // Barefoot Dreams Cardigan // Comfy Flats // Washable Tote // Hydro Flask // Hair Ties // Blue Light Glasses // Bath Bombs // Dry Shampoo // Back Massager // Chocolate // Mints // Gum // Keurig K Cups
Amazon Wish Lists // Ask your kids’ teachers if they have an Amazon wish list that you could purchase off of. It’s easy for you and gets them something they truthfully need for back to school. If you are a teacher with an Amazon Wish List, please drop it in the comments so that maybe we can help to get those wish lists tackled!
Hello there!
My name is Lindsey Underwood, and I’m a first year teacher! I am teaching middle school math which I’m so excited for!
Below is my amazon wish list for my class! Since I am starting as a new teacher, there are a lot of items that I still need to get for my classroom!
Thank you in advance!
I am a first grade teacher and we started back August 3rd!! I am so grateful for each and everyday I get to teach my students in person!! It is definitely different, but we are all getting adjusted!! Thanks for all you do for teachers!!
Corrected Link! Thanks again!!
â¤ï¸ A First Grade Teacher
Thank you!
Hi friends! I am a School Counselor at a middle school in SC. There is no greater joy than the opportunity to support all students social and emotional needs! Thank you for your support and continued encouragement!
Hi Cristin! I love following you â¤ï¸My name is Jessica and I am a third grade teacher in Florida. It has been 5 months since I have been back to my classroom, I am anxious to get back and see my kiddos! With all the uncertainty in the world right now I am looking to add books to my classroom library to help teach my students how to continue to spread kindness to all. Thank you for being a voice for teachers during this time. â¤ï¸
My name is Brenna Franck and I am a third grade teacher at a low poverty/Title I school in South Carolina. Anything included on this list is priced to be no more than $15. For anyone who chooses to purchase a gift off of this lists, I appreciate your support for me and my students as we navigate through this crazy school year! ☺ï¸
Hi Brenna
Please add your address so I can ship some books to you 🙂
I teach 7th grade ELA in Mississippi! We are going back in person on Sept. 3 (please, Jesus!!!)
I’m a 7th grade English/Language Arts teacher (married to a coach 💙) at a public middle school in Mississippi! We start back on September 3rd (please, Jesus!!) Our education budget for the year actually hasn’t been finalized, because it was vetoed by our Governor, and there’s a special session right now to work it out. 🙄🙄 Good times. I love my school and can’t wait to meet my new kids!
I’m a first year teacher in Greenville, SC!
Thank you so much for supporting teachers! I’d be more than thankful to have anything from my wish list!
As a teacher, I love this post! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Cristin! I’m a kindergarten teacher in Easley, SC. I love your posts, especially this one! I’ve included my class wish list below.
Thank you!!! ðŸŽ
I teach deaf and hard of hearing preschoolers we start school Monday! Thank you to anyone who donates â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Here is my classroom wishlist:
Thank you so much for recognizing teachers!! 💙
School has never looked so different, but I swear I’ve never seen my students SO HAPPY to be at school. They’re rocking in person learning during a pandemic! Thanks for recognizing teachers! This is my classroom wishlist:
Here is my list! I’ll be teaching social skills to kids on the spectrum..trying to do it without sharing materials and keep a social distance of 6 feet will be interesting.
Thanks for supporting teachers!!!
Sorry if this posts twice, I didn’t see my post in the comments.
Emily, set up your address on your wish list. I tried buying something in your list and there was no address. (Your name will show but for privacy your address will not be shown)
So thoughtful! We can use whatever we can get.
Hi Cristin! I love following you! My name is Jessica and I am a third grade teacher in Florida. It has been 5 months since I have been back to my classroom, I am anxious to get back and see my kiddos! With all the uncertainty in the world right now I am looking to add books to my classroom library to help teach my students how to continue to spread kindness to all. Thank you for being a voice for teachers during this time. â¤ï¸
You’re the best! As a teacher, I can tell you that I have never seen such happy kids back at school. It’s been amazing to see how flexible the kids are. They have been asked to deal with a lot of changes and they have been so patient about it all!
This is my classroom wish list. Thank you 💕
Thank you for your kind words about teachers!
You’re the best! I can honestly say that in my 16 years of teaching, I have never seen kids so excited to be back at school and in a routine. They have been so flexible and gracious. It’s has been a joy to be back!
Thank you for all you do to recognize teachers! I am a first grade teacher and we started school August 3rd!! I am so grateful for each and everyday in person with my students! It has been different but we are all getting adjusted!! Here is my amazon wish list!
Thank you so much!!!
I teach deaf and hard of hearing preschoolers. We start school on Monday! Thank you for doing this! Here’s my wish list:
Thank you so much! This is my wish list
Thank you for recognizing teachers!!
Oh thank you for thinking of us teachers!!
I’m so excited to get back into the classroom during such an I’m uncertain time. Thanks for taking the time to recognize teachers!!
Thank you for the kind words about teachers! I’m praying for a smooth school year for parents and schools.
My amazon wish list –
Here is my classroom wishlist:
Thank you so much for helping out us teachers!
Hi everyone! This is my sister Kristen’s amazon wish list. This is her first year as a teacher. She will be teaching 7th grade English. I know she would feel so loved and blessed from any of your generosity. Thanks!! ☺ï¸
â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸ Hello everyone! I’m Kristen- the teacher! Starting my career in a pandemic was definitely not on the 20 year plan! 😂 Anything would be a blessing at this point- including prayers and positive thoughts for this crazy year!
Wow! This is so great! Here is my amazon wish list!
Thank you so much!
As a teacher, I am thankful for parents like you that support teachers and schools! The best way I can describe this school year is similar to when a teacher begins his/her career! It’s scary but so exciting! I can’t wait to see my first graders even if it is remotely for the first nine weeks!
Love following you!
Thank you so much for this post! School has never looked so different! Here’s my amazon wish list for my 4th graders â¤ï¸ðŸ’™
Cristin! You are so generous! We started back in person last week and it has been so good for my soul! I teach Kindergarten and these babies are sooooo happy to be in school!
Here’s the link to my wishlist!
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our lists Cristin!
Hey Cristin! I teach 2nd grade in Greenville County. We just found out we get to go back in person with students coming one day a week in small groups!! I am so excited to make 2020-2021 a great year. Thank you for all you do for our community! 💙
Teaching at home until January 😔
Hi! This is going to be my first year teaching! I will be teaching Kindergarten in Texas!! Thank you so much for doing this!
Thank you for recognizing teachers! I am a kindergarten teacher in Kansas. I want my students to feel welcomed, loved and safe this school year as many experience “school†for the very first time. Best of luck to all teachers this year (homeschool and in person). Below is my wish list. Thank you for your generosity to all teachers!
Thank you so much for your support of teachers. I’m a reading specialist in a title one school, we are back in the building next week!
Hi Cristin!! I teach high school social studies and will be going back face to face five days a week. I’m super excited to begin my second year of teaching and to be teaching AP courses for the first time. Thank you for recognizing teachers and providing a space for support!
My classroom wishlist:
Here’s my wish list!
Thank you so much for thinking about teachers as we head back to school.
I love how supportive you are of things that matter to you, like teachers. I will be starting my 4th year teaching kindergarten in Pawleys Island, SC. We are starting virtually and will reassess every 2 weeks. Thank you to everyone for their support in teachers. We need it! â¤ï¸
Help me get my 8th graders rolling!!
Here is my classroom’s wishlist …
Thank you so much for helping out us teachers!
Forever grateful!
I appreciate your encouragement and support of teachers. It really makes a difference during a back to school season that is unlike any other. I am a high school English teacher and would love support for more books for my students.
As a teacher, I love this post! Thanks for sharing!
I am a K teacher and my students are returning in person in a few weeks. Here is my wish list!
Her is my classroom wishlist:
Thanks so much for doing this!I teach 3rd grade in a rural area in IL.You have no idea how much this is appreciated & how good it feels to be supported!
Thanks for showing your appreciation to teachers!!! Hope your girls have a great school year 💗
Cristin, thanks so much for this post and for recognizing teachers! It surely will be a different school year! Here’s my amazon wish list:
I teach 4th grade, and despite the craziness I’m excited for this school year to begin!
Thank you for this opportunity! I’m a 5th grade teacher in MD and my #1 goal this coming school year is trying to engage my students in rich discussions about the world around them, while promoting diversity, acceptance, and human rights…all through distance learning!!!
Kindergarten teacher in Kansas! This will be my 5th year teaching k and most definitely the craziest year yet!!
Hi! I am starting my 20th year of teaching. I teach 3rd grade at Scott AFB, IL.
This is just awesome! I’m Lindsey and teach pre-k in Alabama. We will be spending a lot more time on our own in our classroom this year, so my list includes lots of things to help keep us busy and have fun while we learn! Love following along and love all that you do to spread the love!! â¤ï¸
Oh my goodness, Cristin!!! You are a saint!!
I’m a 2nd year special education teacher & looking to help my kiddos out in any way I can! I’m hoping to make our “return-to-learn” as smooth as possible. Wish me luck!
Best 🙂
Cristin, you’re my favorite blogger/influencer/girl mom/fashionista! I love your fun spirit, sarcasm, and generosity the most. I am a mom of 6 kids (all in school), but I am also a school-based speech therapist. Because I’m not a traditional classroom teacher, we don’t get any budget for classroom or therapy supplies which can become pretty costly – especially since I think that in my room, learning should be fun!! Thanks for all you do to help others. You’re the best!
Hi there! My name is Crystal and I’m a second grade teacher, and my husband is also a teacher/coach in the same district. We have two children and will be juggling virtual teaching and virtual learning this year, like everyone else.
Thanks for all you do for students and families!
Kind Regards
I’m a librarian in a title
One school. Budget is currently frozen. My wishlist is public and adds
Books for kids and teachers and provide supplies for helping books last a little
Hi! My name is Erin Groves. Thank you so much for letting teachers post there amazon wishlist! What a blessing. I recently switched from 1st to 5th grade about a week before school starts so, obviously, I’m a feeling overwhelmed but I know the Lord is faithful!
Thanks again!
I am looking for more ways to incorporate art and play into my classroom. I teach kindergarten. Thanks!
I am a 9th grade math teacher in SC. I am working on creating individual math tools kits for students to have in class. This will provide them with quality tools to engage in geometry and keep contact to a minimum. Thank you for the opportunity to share this!
Hi everyone! I will be a first year teacher this year! This year will be a little different from others so I’m trying to build the best classroom environment possible during these uncertain times! Any help would be so appreciated 💗
Thank you! I am a high school teacher in Virginia. (For the readers – please prioritize new teachers and those teaching in person first! I am starting the year virtually and don’t have as much urgency for most of my items.)
Hi I am Joann Conklin from East Texas going back face to face teaching for kindergarten. If you feel like supporting a teacher please take a look at my wish list.
Thank you Cristin for allowing teachers to post their wishlist
This is jam packed with helpful info! Yay!
Thanks so much for helping teachers. We app appreciate it so very much. I am a kindergarten teacher in Greensboro, NC at a Title 1 school. 💕💕
Ok I tried to post this once and something happened so sorry if it’s in the comments twice…🤦ðŸ¼â€â™€ï¸
Thank you so much for supporting teachers. I am a kindergarten teacher in Greensboro, NC at a Title 1 school.
Hi I teach 8th grade math in the inner city and in my district we are going 100% virtual for at least the first 9 weeks! I hope everyone has a great start to the year!
This year I’m working on building my classroom library. I want to add diversity to the library but also have a larger selection available for my students. Thank you for your kindness towards everyone and for thinking of teachers!
Hi! This is so sweet! I teach kindergarten in Florida and we are going back face to face full time in two weeks! These items will help my classroom seem more normal so I can make materials and get them sorted for the students! Each student can also have their own materials! Thank you for your support!
I am switching classes this year to teach a combination Pre-K/Trans-K class. I’d love any help with supplies! Thank you!
Cristin, I love following your blog and your instagram. I teach in a rural community in southern North Carolina. I have attached my amazon wishlist and we would be grateful for any supplies sent our way. We will be virtual school for 4 weeks but then my kiddos will be back on school half time.
I am going into year 20 and never thought that this would be what teaching and classrooms would look! It gives a new meaning to “home roomâ€! I teach in an urban school that already has hurdles that we deal with on a daily basis. Because of the switch there are things I need that I don’t have. I am attaching the link to my wishlist in hopes that these supplies will help me and my students have the best possible year!
Hi! My name is Lauren and I teach 5th grade at a rural school in East Tennessee. We are so excited to be back in the classroom, but there are so many challenges and stipulations this year. We are trying to make the best of things and take it one day at a time!
Any and all donations are greatly appreciated!
I teach 5th grade in Greenville County, SC. Anything is appreciated. It’s gonna to be a great school year!!
Love this post. Thank you for recognizing teachers! â¤ï¸
I love following you and and your family. Hayden and Scottie are adorable! It is so great when people understand all that teachers do. This is the start of year 20 and I never thought that this would be what teaching and learning would look like. This switch has definitely given a new meaning to “home roomâ€! As we make this switch there things that are needed to make this the best learning experience for everyone. So thanks again!
Thank you for the opportunity to share my teacher wish list. Entering the most difficult year in my teaching career and also have two elementary school aged children at home as well (one has special needs). Need all the positive energy and prayers:)
Your blog/stories puts a smile on my face each day. Love how you keep it real.
Thank you!
You are one of my favorite instagram follows of all time! Thank you for everything you advocate for, especially teachers! You make me feel appreciated in this trying time. I am a fourth year kindergarten teacher in Pawleys Island, SC and would appreciate any contribute. Thank you!
I encourage any readers to gift a teacher a diverse book to add to his or her classroom library. ALL students deserve to see themselves in a book. I’ve created a list of books I hope to add to my classroom if you are looking for ideas.
Cristin, you are amazing. Thank you for sharing helpful tips and organization ideas for families as they navigate this school year at home or at school!
I am a first grade teacher in northern IL. This is my tenth year teaching and I truly believe I was made to be a mom and a teacher. This year is uncharted territory, but we will get through and do our best to give our kids the best year we can!!
Here is a link to my Amazon classroom wishlist:
Hey! My name is Shelby from FL! I am a SLP aka speech teacher at an elementary school. Today was my first day back and it was amazing and wonderful all at the same time!
This is my best friends Amazon Wish List – she is an awesome 1st grade teacher in NC!
This year has been crazy and shifting to using more technology means things are more expensive. Thank you so much for thinking of us too.
What a wonderful way to give back! Thank you, Cristin! â¤ï¸
My name is Rebekah, and I teach middle school English. We went back to school this week, and all of the emotions have been felt. It’s been so, so wonderful to see my kiddos, and adjusting my teaching style hasn’t been the easiest, but we will all get through this together! (My girl started first grade this year, and my mama nerves are shot!)
There isn’t much on my list this year, because we aren’t allowed to have many extra items, but I’m sharing my list here anyway. Above all else, prayers and good vibes are ALWAYS appreciated!
Thanks y’all!
I hope your girls have many good memories this school year!!
You rock!
I teach kdg. Going back five days and also some hybrid kiddos too. Very anxious :/
My name is Lauren Reaves and I’m a third grade teacher in Simpsonville, South Carolina. I am eager to get this school year started, regardless of how it may look.
Below is my Amazon Wish List link:
My amazon wishlist below 🥰
Would appreciate any help at all!!
First grade teacher in SC…thank you!!
Hi there! I am a 3rd grade teacher in Greenville, South Carolina. Thank you in advance for your support this year.
I am a K-2 Autism unit teacher in Kentucky! I have attached my amazon list if you feel inclined to donate to my classroom. We are always in need of more sensory items, lamination, Velcro, sanitizing items (especially now), and lots of other things. I have also linked my Teachers Pay Teachers Class Fund page. TpT is a great resource where other educators create activities and materials for teachers to use. Being in an autism unit, it is often difficult to find curriculum and materials that are appropriate for my kids. Now more than ever, I need quality materials to instruct my diverse learners. Thank you so much for considering us!
Amazon List:
TpT Class Fund:
Such a great idea! As teachers, we spend so much time and money in our classrooms to make the rooms a safe place for our students. Many of them need that especially now with everything going on. Many of our students haven’t had a safe place since March! They are ready to get back and breathe easy again, even with all the precautions in place.
So thankful for this idea! I’ll be teaching K5 in South Carolina!!
Thank you so much for supporting teachers! This is my 3rd year teaching kindergarten! I’m so excited to be starting back to school in a couple of weeks!
Thank you!
Thank you for thinking of us teachers, very much appreciated 🙂
Hi Cristin!
I am a local Asheville teacher who was selected to teach remote only kindergarten kiddos this year! It’s super sad as this is only my second year teaching and I imagined them being in my classroom. That being said, I still wanna make my classroom the best place possible so when they do come back, they enjoy being there! Virtual kindergarten is interesting for sure!
Thank you!!!! I am a newer follower of Cristin but seeing your support for teachers over the last few months has made me a follower for life. Thank you!!
I teach kindergarten in Charlotte! I love the joy and enthusiasm they bring to my life! I have so many thoughts, feelings and emotions about this school year but I’ll always try to find myself on the positive side! I met my 17 kinder students yesterday on zoom and their sweet smiles were amazing! While everything is different this school year I’m optimistic about finding new ways to make my Kinders feel special, engaged and excited about learning! Thank you for joining alongside me â˜ºï¸
Hey!! I am an 8th grade teacher in SC. We are attempting to do the virtual and face to face at the same time so it should be interesting. Thank you to everyone for helping with these wish lists bc I know how hard this time has been for everyone!!
Thank you for your support for teachers. It truly is encouraging! My name is Emily Nash and I teach 7th grade English Language Arts in Concord, North Carolina.
Here is the link to my Amazon Wishlist :). Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for supporting teachers!
I have been teaching kindergarten for 3 years! This year may be a little different, but I am so excited to meet my new students in just a couple of weeks!
Hello! My name is Christy Carney and I am a Pre-K teacher in West Virginia. We are starting out the school year in the classroom 2 days a week and 3 days virtual in hopes of going 4 days with 1 day virtual.
Below is my amazon wish list. Anything purchased would be a blessing!! â¤ï¸
This is amazing! Thank you so much for spotlighting this!!
I am a third grade teacher in MA. 🙂 everything is completely different this year.. so this is so so so appreciated!
This school year is going to be a whirlwind! I’m heading into my 5th year of teaching and now more than ever teachers need your support! Current CDC guidelines don’t allow students to share materials which means more individual materials are needed in kids in hands.
My Amazon wishlist is linked below but donating to any teacher’s list will make my day. Thank you in advance for your support!!
I am a first grade teacher in a public school in North Carolina. Today was our first day of virtual school. My sweet kids were so excited and can’t wait until they can be back in the classroom.
I am working to add books to my classroom that represent all of my students.
Thank you for doing this! 🥰
Hi! Thank you for doing this!! I’m actually a school counselor in need of a new classroom library! Anything that is bought from my wishlist will serve hundreds and hundreds of kiddos! Thank you!!!
Hi! I am writing on behalf of my sister. This is her first year teaching and she couldn’t be more excited. She has worked so hard for this. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic her school is unable to provide her with many materials. She would be so grateful for any help to fill her classroom and start her first year of teaching with some great materials!
Thank you.
Hello! Thank you for your generosity and allowing us to post our wish lists. It’s definitely going to be a crazy year but we will make the best of it! I teach 5th grade language arts and am anxious for our new “normal”.
Hi! I’m Ms. Snype and I’m so excited to be the literacy interventionist at a K-8 school in South Carolina l. I provide direct instruction to small groups of students using targeted interventions. I appreciate the continued support! Thank you!
Hi! I’m Sarah Turner. I teach third grade in Acworth Elementary. We are a Title 1 school, so many students received free or reduced lunch and come to school without the supplies they need. I’ve made a small list with a few things to make my classroom as functional and safe as possible
Thank you for your support!
This is my second year teaching my own class and my first in a new grade level. Thank you to anyone who can help with my wishlist, it is it truly appreciated!
Would love some new books to focus on my kindergartener’s social-emotional needs! â¤ï¸
💜💜💜Thank you so much for posting this and for supporting teachers! I work at a Title 1 school teaching the best grade ever… KINDERGARTEN! I’m hoping to give my students the best year ever, because they deserve it! Thank you so much for considering helping my class. My “fishies†and I really appreciate it! 💜
I teach SPED and our kiddos came back while the rest of the students are distance. Most of our kids have trouble understanding not sharing after we’ve worked so long on the concept (arggg!) and for those who come without, I’m trying to supply what they need so they have access to materials that don’t have to be cleaned.
My list is at
I teach SPED and my students have come back while general Ed remain distance learning. We’re struggling getting them to not share supplies with classmates after having worked so long on encouraging that skill in them (arggg!). I’d love to have supplies on hand for my students so that they have what they need and we don’t have to sanitize them each and every day between students. My wish list is at
I’m a first-year SPED teacher for K-5 and my kids are back in school while everyone else is distance learning. It’s been hard getting my students to not share with their classmates who have needs after they’ve been working on developing those for so long. I’d love to be able to have resources on hand to provide to my students who had to come without/are too hard on theirs due to motor skills. My list is at
â¤ï¸ fifth grade teacher in SC
Hi Cristin! This has been a wild year so far. I’m a speech language pathologist that will be serving special education students through distance learning. I have had to purchase all my materials- with 56 students on my caseload, individualized and motivating material has been a struggle! Thanks in advance!
Hi Cristin! Thank you for supporting teachers during distance learning! As a speech language pathologist, I work with 56 students during distance learning. Thank you!
Hello! My name is Danielle and I am a special education teacher at a school in Ohio. I teach grades K-6 and wouldn’t change what I do for the world!
Below is my amazon wish list, I would be forever grateful for anything you could contribute for my kids. My main goal this year is to diversify my bookshelves, but other necessities include snacks for my students who don’t get breakfast and cleaning supplies!
I am not a teacher but this is the Amazon wish list of my kindergartener’s librarian. She’s asking for extra books that she knows will be popular as they anticipate books being unavailable for certain times due to sanitizing/kids being out with online and hybrid schedules. If you place an order, your name will be placed on a sticker “name plate†inside the book as a thank you ☺ï¸
Hello! My name is Danielle and I am a 4th year special education teacher in Ohio for grades K-6. Below is my amazon wish list, and I would be forever grateful for anything you can contribute to my kiddos. Thank you!! 🥰
Cristin, thank you for always supporting teachers and our students. I teach 2nd-5th grade special education at a Title I school and community donations make all the difference for us!
Hi, Cristin! I work with special needs students of various ages. I will be doing both face to face & virtual instruction (hence the camera on my wishlist). Thanks for spreading kindness to educators!
Hi! My name is Claire & I’m going into my 3rd year of teaching high school social studies in Kentucky! Thanks for doing this! â¤ï¸
Hey! My name is Nykola, I’m 23 years old and I just graduated from my education degree. Unfortunately I was unable to have a graduation ceremony due to COVID, however I did land my first ever permanent teaching position in a grade 5/6 classroom! As a first year teacher I have a lot to purchase to get ready for the year, so I would love if you could help! I want to provide a safe and happy classroom environment for my students to escape the craziness outside of the classroom.ðŸŽðŸ¤ Here is my Amazon wish list:
I am a 2nd Grade Special Education teacher in Mississippi. Our education budget is still being hashed out so for now we are unsure if we will get our typical $374 for the entire year for things in our class! So thankful for your love and thoughtfulness for us teachers who need your support!!!
I’m currently teaching my first year as a teacher. I have half my class M/T and the others TH/F. I’m also simultaneously teaching 1/3 of my class that is strictly online. It’s a tough year to be a teacher. I would love any help with these small items!
Hi there I am a first grade teacher hoping to add books and games to keep my students engaged and motivated as we start the school year online 💖
Thank you so much for supporting teachers! I am a Kindergarten – 5th grade interventionist at a Title 1 school in North Carolina. I know we all are appreciative of any help we can get. Thank you again and good luck to everyone this school year.
I am a 4th grade teacher and while I’ve been teaching for 11 years, this is all new to me! I have a few things I would love to be able to get to kids through our virtual learning.
Thank you so much if you purchase something from my list. Trying to get a “classroom” set up at home to teach in and materials to students is quite a task!
Thank you for the opportunity to share my wish list on your platform. This kindergarten teacher loves following you!!
Hello! This is my second year teaching. I teach 5th grade in VA. With so much changing in our world I am hoping to add picture books to my classroom library to help my students understand the importance of these changes.
Thank you so much for your help! ðŸ¤
I’d love any help! Moving age groups this year to teach Pre-K/Trans-K. I’m at a small Lutheran preschool and we are struggling to stay open, so no money for extras this year. Any help would be a blessing. Thank you!
I’m an Elementary Special Education Teacher in Missouri! I’m going into my 9th year of teaching and I have two kids of my own! I get to teach kids with all sorts of different abilities! I have kids who just need a little help with reading to kids with autism or kids with behavior challenges! Thank you for any support you can give, we all need a little love and kindness right now!
Hi! I’m an Elementary Special Education Teacher 🧩 in Missouri! I get to teach a wide variety of students with differing abilities! Thanks for considering helping me! ðŸ–â¤ï¸
Hi! My name is Emily Mullinax and I am going into my 7th year of teaching in Charleston, SC! This year I will be teaching 2nd grade. I am so anxious to get back in my classroom in just a few days! My district is requiring us to teach face-to-face and virtual students at the same time. The items on my list, along with a lot of prayer and coffee, will help me get through this year. Thank you for supporting teachers and for any donations! ðŸŽðŸ¤
I’m a 1st grade teacher and we start in person teaching next week! I’m so excited to see my kiddos in person. Thanks so much!
Hello! I’m a fourth year teacher in Knoxville, TN. I teach second grade & will be a virtual teacher this year for my grade level at my school. It’s already chaos. But hey I’m just chugging along. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am a first grade teacher in Washington state. This year is going to be so different starting off with distance learning. I am focusing on building a community and social emotional learning. I have spent hundreds of dollars already over the summer prepping for the school year, I greatly appreciate any help that I can get as we go into this uncertain school year. However, one thing is for sure, me and my kiddos will have a great year together regardless.
Hi! My name is Lindsey Giacomini! This is my 5th year teaching. I teach high school history and freshmen support classes. Who says a high school classroom can’t be fun and inviting!? Here is my amazon wish list! Thank you to anyone who contributes!
Hi Cristin! I’m a kindergarten teacher and my son is starting kindergarten this year! This will be my 11th year teaching.
I work in a title 1 school in a small Texas town.
Hi Cristin! I’m a kindergarten teacher and my oldest son is starting kindergarten this year!
This is my 11th year teaching and I currently teach in a Title 1 school in a small Texas town. â¤ï¸
Hi! I’m a high school science teacher moving to a new building and classroom this year. I granny appreciate people who support teachers â¤ï¸
This is incredible!! Thank you for supporting teachers â¤ï¸
My name is Jackie and I’m a public school kindergarten teacher in NYC! We’ll be starting the year in-person but I’ll also be teaching a virtual group.
Since children won’t be able to share any supplies (definitely the opposite of what we traditionally do in kindergarten!), I’m trying to plan accordingly. Anything helps! Thanks in advance! 💕
How nice of you to let us post our classroom wishlist! Thank you!
Hi there! I’m Miss Cunningham, a K-6 special education teacher in New Haven, CT. With my return to school as a second year teacher (in person) coming up in a week, and all sorts of new classroom regulations due to Covid-19, I’m hoping to gather some new materials. Thank you so much for all that you’re doing for teachers everywhere!
I’m a 3rd grade teacher in the Powdersville area going virtual this year! Going virtual looks a whole lot different and the supplies on my Amazon wish list are much needed to bless these kiddos!!
Here’s the link to my wish list:
Thank you! This is so amazing! I’m a 1st grade teacher and we are starting 5 days a week in person learning in a few weeks!
Hi Cristin!!
My name is Mary Claire, and I am a 2nd grade teacher. This year will be my fourth year teaching. I cannot wait to get back into the classroom and meet all of my new kiddos! I appreciate your kindness and generosity setting this up for teachers! Thank you for your support! â¤ï¸
Hi!! I’m Stephanie and this is my fifth year teaching but my first year at a new district and new school. This will be only the second school and second room that I’ve ever taught in, so the way that we ended last year was kind of rough.
I teach sixth grade math and absolutely LOVE every second of it. My favorite times are when I see those “aha†moments orrrr when one of my students from my old school FaceTimes me on a Friday to ask me why I put her in Algebra 1 and to tell me she’s practicing math…BEFORE school has even started (true story, I was shook…at least I think that’s what they say)!!
We would be so grateful for anything you’d like to purchase off of my list!! Thank you so much for your kindness! Our class motto last year was “do good. be kind. show love.â€
Thank you for supporting teachers! I am a Pre-K teacher and we have been teaching in person this whole time , which I am grateful for . Thank you to anyone that chooses to donate to my classroom 💕
I am a fifth grade teacher in a Title 1 school in Yonkers, NY. I would love some support helping to create a successful remote/hybrid school year for my kids.
Here is my list:
I teach gifted students in a Title 1 school. I would love any donation from my list!
Hello! I’m Danielle and I am a 4th year special education teacher in Springfield, OH. I teach grades K-6 and wouldn’t change what I do for the world. Below is my amazon wish list, and I would be forever grateful for anything you could contribute to my kiddos! Thank you!!
I am a special education teacher for grades K-6. I appreciate you generosity! 💕
Hello All,
My name is Cassidy, I am a middle & high school Family Consumer Science Teacher (new version of Home Economics) in Minnesota. I teach many elective courses including, Food Preparation (2 levels), Interpersonal Relationships, Child Development (2 levels), Interior Design, and a Life on Your Own (personal finance, laundry, cleaning, etc.) class co-taught with the shop teacher. My school will be starting in 2 weeks in a hybrid model. I am excited for the challenge that will come with this year, along with getting back to some “normalcy” after last Spring.
I have a running list of things needed at school, but never thought to put them on an Amazon Wish List until I saw Cristin’s post. You may notice that many of my kitchen equipment is in multiples. This is because I have 4 kitchens that need to have the same equipment in them. Thank you for your consideration and everything you do to support educators! 🙂
Hi! My name is Erica McMillan & I am a kindergarten teacher who is going to be teaching virtually this year. Teaching kindergarteners new skills on a computer is going to be a big challenge but I am committed to making virtual kindergarten BIG and AMAZING for my littles & currently working very hard this summer to be creative so this group of kindergarteners don’t miss out on the FUN of a k classroom!
Thank you! â¤ï¸
Third grade teacher from Kansas! I know my kiddos and I would both appreciate any help.
Thank you so much for this! I teach 9th grade World History in Anderson, SC!! I’m super excited (and nervous) about starting my third year!
Hi! We had our first day of school today in-person! Definitely bittersweet with all my 3rd graders in mandatory masks. Such a different experience, and they handled it like champs!â¤ï¸ Here’s my amazon list to help give students more individual supplies so they don’t have to worry about sharing with others.:) Thank you so much for doing this! Every single teacher deserves to have their lists taken care of.💕
Our babysitter is a first year teacher in Rochester, MN. Let’s show her some love! Thank you so much! She had an address associated to the list.
Hey y’all! I am an 8th grade school counselor for 305 kids in S.Carolina! I will have 1/2 my kids virtual that I will keep up with & 1/2 my kids in person. Biggest wish on this list is the Scotch wall mounting tape. My kids created little squares in February about ways they can build kindness, compassion & empathy in their lives. I would love to decorate the entire hall with their words & have each of my kids represented no matter where/how they are learning this year. Thank you for making this year sparkle a bit more for all of the educators & kids on these lists! 💗âï¸ðŸŒ´
Didn’t post the link •
Hi! I am Paige Guinn and I am a kindergarten teacher in Nashville, TN. We are trucking long in this virtual teaching world and making it work. I have lots of head phones on my list because some of my kiddos don’t have any or have a way to get them! I would love to provide them with some so they can have a quiet place to learn. We also have books and some other things to help out our classroom. This such an amazing thing!!! THANK YOU!!
Thank you so much for supporting teachers! I am a 4th grade teacher and I can’t wait to welcome students back into my room when in person instruction begins!
Hi Cristin! I love following you so much- thank you for always shouting our teachers and giving us some positive praise during this crazy time 🤪
I am a kindergarten teacher in a title 1 school. I will be going back with some students in person and the rest online. It will be wild! All of the items on my wishlist are going to my kiddos who cannot afford school supplies.
Hi – I’m a 5th year teacher. Moved to a new school & a new grade this year. In these crazy times, some of these items on my wish list will help tremendously. Anything is greatly appreciated!
Below is my amazon wish
Thank you again!
Hi! I am starting my 12th year teaching and can’t believe how challenging this has become!
I am trying to virtually meet the needs of 20 diverse learners. If you are able and willing I would be appreciative of a donation from my amazon wish list. Thank you and if nothing else please just thank a teacher in your life!
-Caitie, a NC first grade teacher
Hi Everyone,
With so many uncertainties with back to school we teachers are trying to still provide the safe and welcoming place that many students feel happens at school! I can’t speak for everyone but I have missed my kids so much since the shutdown happened in March. I know going back will be different but any help you could provide me with my amazon wishlist it would be much appreciated as I am changing grade levels and have never taught at the lower middle school level of 6th grade!
Here is my amazon wish list link:
Thank you for anything you may be able to give to my students â¤ï¸
I am a high school Spanish teacher in GA. These items would help me navigate digital learning and keep my students and myself safe for F2F learning. Thank you!
This is awesome!! Thank you for always recognizing teachers!
With everything going on and this being my first year teaching, I want to create the best environment possible for my sweet kinders! If anyone feels inclined to support building my classroom, please follow the link below to see my classroom wishlist. I’m so appreciative of any support!
Hi! Back to the classroom after 7 years of staying home to have my two kids!!!! I’ll be teaching 7th and 8th grade math I person (🤞🤞🤞🤞) I would be so grateful for any help!! 🙂
Hi Cristin! You’re such a doll for doing this. I’ve been out of the classroom for seven years and decided to go back before all of this Covid business happened. I’m going back with nothing and a slashed school budget, but I’m still so excited to get back! We go back after Labor Day. 🙂 I’ll be teaching 5th-10th ELA.
Hello everyone! My name is Danielle and I am a Title 1 teacher in NJ. I currently teach 3rd-5th grade in a low income school district. Thank you to everyone who is supporting the #clearthelist movement!
Here is my link for those of you who would like to donate to my amazon wishlist:
I am very appreciative of this opportunity. Thank you so much for helping us teachers! ðŸŽâ¤ï¸
Hi! My name is Brooke and I teach in Atlanta. I would love to make our classroom library more diverse and inclusive. Thank you for your consideration!!
Love following CC on all platforms! Thank you for helping our teachers. My daughter is a PE teacher and budgets are tight everywhere! This is a great idea! Wishing all teachers a safe and blessed return.
Hi Cristin,
I teach students who are learning English. They need great literature! Here’s a link to my Amazon Wishlist:
Any help would be so appreciated!
Hi, I’m Kayla!
I’m heading back to the classroom after a few years at home with my babies! What a year to return! 🤪
â™¥ï¸ A very grateful preschool teacher in Mt. Pleasant, SC
My name is Gina, and I’m a preschool teacher in New York. My school is small and due to COVID, we have little to no funds for back to school supplies this year. Our goal is to be able to spend as much of the school day as possible outside, so my wish list contains some items to make outdoor play a little more possible and functional, and some new books to add to our classroom collection. Thank you so much in advance. You’re all amazing for recognizing teachers during this time.
(Cristin, thank you for starting this!!!)
Thank you so much for supporting teachers! I am looping with my Kindergarten class from last year to 1st to hopefully ease some of the transition and stress that this wild time has caused for my kids. I can’t wait to see them again and have our class family back together!
Here is my Amazon wishlist!
Thank you again!!
Hi Cristin!
Thanks so much for this. My husband and I are both high school teachers in Arizona. I teach World History, Honors World History, and Advanced Placement US History. My husband, Jake teaches a class called Future Ready to hell students prepare for life after high school. We are teaching virtually full time while wrangling out 4 year old son! Would love some help with supplies for this new virtual reality! Thanks again!
Rikki Archibeque
I teach at a title I school in Florida! We are headed back to in-person school on Monday and I’m trying to make it the best school year ever, despite the difficult situation we are in! Thanks for taking a look at my wish list. My first and second graders appreciate you!
My school district in the upstate of SC is offering students either full face to face or full virtual options.
As a fifth grade teacher, I’ve chosen to teach virtually for this year. My mom is currently undergoing cancer treatment, and I felt it was the best option for her being considered high risk.
I’m excited about the challenges and new learning that will come from teaching virtually. My prayer is that I will still be able to build strong relationships with my students even from a distance.
I’m a school counselor at a Title 1 school in the Arkansas Delta. I have 3 items that are greatly needed: bins for our clothing closets (to hold outerwear), a sensory path to teach my K-6 students self-regulation skills and a case of backpacks. We are going back to school in-person and virtual (parent choice). If you can help with the wish list, it would be greatly appreciated by this school counselor and countless teachers and students that will also benefit! â¤ï¸
I’m a school counselor at a Title 1 school in the Arkansas Delta. I have 3 items that are greatly needed: bins for our clothing closets (to hold outerwear), a sensory path to teach my K-6 students self-regulation skills and a case of backpacks. We are going back to school in-person and virtual (parent choice). If you can help with the wish list, it would be greatly appreciated by this school counselor and countless teachers and students that will also benefit! â¤ï¸
Thank you so much for doing this to help us teachers out! With so much unknown this year any little bit can help. I am starting a new journey in 6th grade this year. Something I’ve never done but am excited for!
Here is my amazon wishlist:
Thank you again for any help you can give me â¤ï¸
🎠My name is Jamie Ingram. I am a 5th grade teacher in a school located about 20 minutes outside of Charleston, SC.
This will be an excited year for me as I will being a new chapter in my teaching career. I recently transferred to a new school. Unfortunately, the school has already outgrown itself. So, I will be in a learning cottage aka trailer! It is pretty old and the district hasn’t put in much effort of updating it. I would love to make this learning cottage feel like home for my students. Below I have attached my Amazon wishlist. Thank you for supporting our educators!
💕 Ms. Ingram
Any little bit helps! Thank you SO much in advance if you’re interested in contributing to my classroom. You’re an example of the good that exists in this world.
Any little bit helps! Thank you SO much in advance if you’re interested in contributing to my classroom. You’re an example of the good that exists in this world.
I teach high school video production and virtual learning make it exceptionally difficult to teach hands-on skills. When I do get to meet my students face to face, I want my room to feel like their home away from home.
Hi thank you for looking at my site ! This is my first year as a High School Counselor but my 15th year as a school counselor ! I have loved this calling and looking forward to finally “seeing “ my students . Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! Here is my list below.
Hi everyone!
My name is Megan and I teach a first and second grade blended class in Florida. Tomorrow is our first day of in-person school. Thank you to everyone for recognizing that this is a challenging time for parents, teachers, and especially our young students. Any items purchased from our classroom Amazon wish list would be greatly appreciated! 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you so much for supporting teachers!
My name is Melissa and I am a 1st grade teacher. I am so excited to loop up with my Kindergarten class from last year to ease some of the transition and stress on my kids and their families during this wild time.
I teach third grade, but will be all virtual this year. I’m very nervous about the challenges that lie ahead but so excited to get back to teaching and being with my kiddos! We would be so appreciative of any support that could make this year special!
Hi! Thank you for sharing and buying off teacher wist list. This is so amazing and extremely generous. I include a link to my wish list for school hopefully I did it right.
Hey everyone! Each year I put together a list of items for the kiddos going through treatment at a local children’s cancer center where our daughter completed chemo. September is childhood cancer awareness month and I love to give back and support them however we can. Below is an amazon list of items currently needed. Thank you in advance for your support no matter how big or small.
I teach 2nd grade in north Georgia! Thank you so much!
I teach 4th grade in a small
School in Alabama. Our entire grade plan to start the year with a book study on Because of Winn Dixie. We are short a couple class sets. We would love to get as many copies as we could!! Even one book would help 🙂
Thank you for supporting teachers!
This is so sweetâ¤ï¸ Thank y’all for thinking of teachers and students! I am a third grade ELA teacher in Tennessee. This year has been challenging so far, but I am so lucky and happy to be back in school with my students. Below is my Amazon wishlist link 😊
This is so sweet. I’m an intervention teacher in KY. I work with students in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade.
Hi there! Thank you so much for helping teachers during this crazy time! I’m a sixth grade special education teacher and I’m teaching students both in person and online currently.
I appreciate any help you can provide â¤ï¸
Hi! I’m leaving my husbands class wishlist. He is a first year PE teacher. A lot of his equipment is old and falling apart. With COVID’s social distancing he loses his gym for 3 hours a day for lunch. He’s having to take the kids outside or to their classrooms for PE and this is extra challenging without enough equipment. He would appreciate anything!!
Thank you so much for all of your support of teachers!
My name is Taylor and I am an elementary special education teacher. My students thrive in a classroom with visual supports and hands-on learning. We are returning in a virtual format, which is extremely challenging for me, my staff and my students. My wishlist includes materials and items to provide them an environment that they can succeed in! Anything would help! Thank you so much!!
Hi there!
My name is Taryn and I am a high school science teacher! We are going back Face to Face so my wishlist is focused on items to keep my high schoolers safe. I hope to still be able to do labs with them (because that’s what makes Science so funâ¤ï¸), but will need a little extra cleaning supplies to make that possible with 6 different classes in the same room throughout the day.
Thank you so much ahead of time! I truly appreciate it!!
This is amazing!! Thank you so much for all of your support for us teachers it means the world! Here is my wishlist
Every little bit counts!
Hello! I remember a while back you mentioning something about a way to monitor/block unwanted things on your childrens ipad? Was it Covenant Eyes? If you have a link to it, I’d appreciate it! Thank you!!